Sabtu, 08 April 2017

Respecting Myself

These days are different than last year of my life. And I'm so grateful that it is much better than last year.

Membandingkan hari ini dan tahun lalu akhirnya menjadi isi kepalaku beberapa hari terakhir ini. Kenapa? It's been so long that I was stressed out. Membayangkan dulu pernah ngalamin yang namanya di tempat kerja lama, murid ditarik bos dan ga bisa dapat murid baru. Dan masuk ke tempat kerja baru dengan situasi berbanding terbalik. Well, yah beda jauh sih.

I was alone. But now I am not. I don't know how many times I have this smile and great passion. So, it was better than last year when he took away 8 - 10 of my students.
Time has passed, slowly but healing. And I think I chose the right decision for respecting myself and doing what I want to do. Last year, I was living in nightmare. My head was full with questions of not being respected by my exboss. Dan harus deh rasanya yang namanya kuat mental habis - habisan. Ya iyalah... Kita juga ga bisa dapat murid baru waktu itu. Tahu - tahu ketahuan deh bosnya ngeblok kita dapat murid baru. Hmmm... Makin kayak hidup dalam mimpi yang tampak ga masuk akal tapi kejadian.

Now, with this new place of job. I am so grateful that I chose to leave the nightmare. Somehow, I've been much happier. Paling tidak, walau income jadi pas - pasan, entah kenapa I'm much happier. Mungkin karena sudah lama banget ga sehappy itu, aku masih agak ga percaya kalau hari ini aku sebenarnya udah jauh lebih happy.

So, sometimes life has shown me to choose a risky path for my happiness. And I think I will really want to know about the future of me. A lot of things have been happening since I left my previous workplace. And I know the reason why I should have left.

Then, goodbye my past nightmare, and I hope I would find much other happiness in the future.

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